Laser treatments are effective and safe for all skin types, The KS Clinic will tailor a laser plan and adjust the treatment for your specific hair and skin type. Delivered in a regulated, clinical environment, by a true laser expert; it provides long-lasting results, for beautifully smooth skin.
Take a look at our specially selected Skincare treatment menu, designed to give you the results and confidence you deserve.
For any enquiries, please do not hesitate to get in contact to discuss your requirements.
We have included full treatment descriptions, including prices on single treatments and courses for you information.
Laser Hair Removal
Imagine not having to worry about the tedious and time-consuming task of waxing and shaving. The conquest for hair-freedom can be tiresome, it not only occupies too much of our daily routine but can also affect our confidence and self-esteem. Laser hair removal is an effective long-term solution to reduce body and facial hair that can also help with excess hormonal hair growth from PCOS and menopause.
Laser hair removal works by using a laser light, (Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) which generates heat to damage or destroy the hair follicles. The process is painless and very effective and takes less than an hour per visit depending. Laser is used across the world by both men and women and is the most permanent form of hair removal available. During laser hair removal the skin is prepared by cleaning the skin to remove any makeup, perfume, deodorant and or lotions. Then a white pencil is used to grid out the area, this ensures the area is treated thoroughly. The correct settings for your skin type and hair texture is then carefully selected to get maximum results. A beam of light is then guided over the skin. The light energy is absorbed by areas of high pigment/melanin e.g. hairs, where it transfers as heat energy. The heat energy heats the hair and in the process damages the follicle, the follicle is then unable to grow new hairs. The laser has a cooler attached to the handpiece that blows out cold air to keep the skin cool and comfortable throughout the treatment.
Following the treatment, an aloe vera gel and SPF is then applied to calm and soothe reducing any redness and ensuring UV protection. We use the award-winning Cynosure Elite Plus laser. The Cynosure laser uses a dual-wavelength system which consists of a 755nm Alexandrite laser and a high powered 1064nm Nd: YAG laser. The Cynosure allows us to target a variety of different hair colours and all skin types, delivering reliable and effective hair removal reduction. The face should be treated every 4 weeks (depending on hair growth cycle) and the body should be treated every 6 weeks (depending on the hair growth cycle.)

Vascular Laser - Thread Vein Removal
Thread veins commonly known as spider veins, these tiny blue or red vessels sit close to the skin’s surface.They can appear in small clusters or spread across the legs and body. Most of the time, thread veins are painless and as we get older, our skin gets thinner, so it’s more likely that you, and others, will notice thread veins. The area is cleaned and prepped by girding out the area with a white pencil to ensure the area is covered thoroughly. Followed by carefully selecting the correct settings for your skin type to achieve maximum results. A beam of light is then guided over the skin. The light energy is absorbed by areas of high pigment/melanin e.g. the blue or red vessels where it transfers as heat energy. The heat energy heats the vessel and in the process damages the vessel so it can be broken down by the body and drained away via the lymphatic drainage system. An aloe vera gel and SPF is then applied to calm, soothe and protect the skin from UV.
We use the award-winning Cynosure Elite Plus laser that selectively targets unwanted or abnormal blood vessels in the skin, whilst minimising damage to surrounding normal skin structures. Modern vascular lasers are very safe and effective. Around 2-3 15-30 minute sessions are recommended depending of the individual, every 6 weeks.

Pigmentation Laser
Laser stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Designed for sun spots, age spots and brown spots on the skin. We use the award-winning Cynosure Elite Plus laser. Selecting the Alexandrite 755nm makes it a quick, gentle and non-invasive treatment. This specially designed laser setting is absorbed only by the cells containing excessive concentrations of pigment. It does not affect the surrounding tissues or remove the normal skin colour. The light pulses produced by the laser can feel similar to the flicking of a rubber elastic band and for most people is not too uncomfortable. Immediate darkening is noticed after treatment.
For 7-10 days the area will look like a dark scab which eventually sheds off eliminating the appearance of pigmentation. x1-2 15-30 minute sessions are recommended depending on the individual, every 4 weeks.